News Brands2020-03-12T01:51:38+00:00

Our News & Magazine Brands

Our brands are industry leading providers of news, recognised for authority, integrity and accuracy.

The Private Equity Africa platform is the oldest and industry leading platform, serving the industry for almost 10 years.

The website provides premium breaking news, updates and exclusive content covering deal making, fundraising, people moves, analysis and other relevant content. The magazine pulls together exclusive views from investors that are shaping the industry.

The Venture Capital Africa platform extends the Private Equity Africa model, but focuses on early stage deals.

Debt Investor Africa

Debt Investor Africa provides news, data and analysis on Africa’s debt markets. The platform covers, in-depth credit deals, debt transactions, risk analysis data, bond issuances, structured and project finance.


Our brands take a completely neutral approach to media communication, delivering high-quality and timely information in channels best suited to individual industry participants.

Our editorial team advocates free markets, transparency, and accuracy to support the globalisation of Africa’s capital markets, and high journalistic standards.

In line with global industry standards, journalists will present the facts whether or not they agree with those facts, keeping in line with the principles of fairness and inclusiveness.

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